Drivers in Letchworth and Baldock have received traffic offence reports and words of advice following a police priority action day yesterday. 

North Herts Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) carried out speed checks at Bedford Road and Pixmore Way in Letchworth and London Road in Baldock.

Several drivers were stopped and given words of advice, whereas others were issued traffic offence reports.

Speed checks in North HertsSpeed checks in North Herts (Image: Herts police)

The afternoon saw offices patrolling Ashwell, Therfield, Sandon, Reed and Newnham, with the aim to deter hare coursing and to carry out engagement with the farming community.

Sergeant Ryan Champion of North Herts NPT said: “We have more of these days planned and are completing at least one a month tackling different issues and priorities on officers’ wards.”

“Our priorities are decided at forums made up of police and local councillors,” continued Sergeant Champion.

“We send out Herts Connected surveys to local residents asking for their concerns and what they see as a priority for us to tackle.”

“You can join our community messaging platform, Herts Connected. You can receive free local police messages and Neighbourhood Watch, Action Fraud and the Police and Crime Commissioner.”

To join Herts Connected, visit